Email Marketing is one of the most effective and profitable Marketing channels today. Despite the rise of Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing has a ROI average of 21% compared to an average of 16% of Marketing on Social Networks.
In addition, the conversion rate of Email Marketing is 174% while the conversion of Social Media Marketing does not exceed 50%. On the other hand, email is the favourite channel for 77% of consumers to receive commercial communications. In light of these statistics, it is clear that this channel still has great potential to generate leads and sales.
Let’s see what are the 10 main advantages of Email Marketing:
1. Personalized contact with the audience
This channel allows the segmentation and personalization of campaigns based on the interests and purchase record of users.
2. Measurable results in real time
Mass emailing tools allow you to see the performance of campaigns in real time and to optimize your results inmediately.
3. Low cost
Email Marketing is also one of the most economical marketing channels. It is a low-cost channel compared to more traditional channels that require more investment. In addition, it is worth remembering that Email Marketing converts almost 4 times more than Social Media Marketing.
4. Accessibility
Emails can be read on any device, which makes it very accessible for users. In fact, according to a recent Google study, 51% of emails are already open from mobile devices.
5. Speed
The immediacy of communications via email is another of its great advantages over other marketing channels. Newsletters are as instant as effective.
6. Eco-friendly
By sending Email Marketing campaigns, companies minimize not only the cost of their actions but also their environmental impact, by reducing mainly paper consumption.
7. Global Reach
Globalization and the digitalization of the world have turned the unimaginable into possible. Thanks to technological advances, we can now send an Email Marketing campaign to users around the world and make an instant impact.
8. Automatable
ESPs allow us not only to see the results of campaigns in real time but also to schedule and to automate the mass emailing to achieve the highest conversion rates.
9. A/B Test
Unlike most channels, email marketing does allow A / B testing of your campaigns to measure their reactivity and effectiveness. This test consists of sending two types of emails with different elements or contents to determine which of them will work best.
10. Web Traffic
Email marketing is also the perfect ally to direct traffic to websites. Through a good campaign, we can therefore exponentially make visits grow to a website and with it, their sales.
Do you want to launch an Email Marketing strategy?
In short, Email Marketing is the channel of online marketing par excellence, with proven results and a return on investment that exceeds that of other channels.
In Media Adgo we have an international team of email marketing experts that can help you. Tell us about your project and we will take care of turning it into a success story. Request information here.